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SmartBrake at Naidex 15-16 Sept

SmartBrake teams up with Tomcat Trike to demonstrate the World’s most advanced Wireless Braking System at Naidex 2021!

Double Queen’s Award-Winning British Trike Manufacturer Tomcat Special Needs Innovation (SNI) Ltd, partner with Norwegian company SmartBrake, to showcase patented technology at the 46th edition of Naidex on the 15th-16th September.

Both organisations pride themselves in the innovative design solutions created for the disabled market and hope to make cycling more accessible to those that are in search of a more advanced braking system.
SmartBrake allows a carer to stop a trike at the touch of a button from a distance of up to 15 metres away. In addition, when the carer is outside of that 15 metre range, the system detects this and applies the brakes, guaranteeing safety for the rider, even from a distance. Morten H. Østli, CEO and co-founder of SmartGroup comments,

“SmartGroup is excited to present our unique SmartBrake technology at Naidex 2021. Our meetings with users, therapists and suppliers give us valuable input to further develop our products. We are also very much looking forward to participating with our UK distributor, Tomcat SNI. Together we can create more activity for everyone, regardless of disability.”

Naidex is one of the most renowned trade fairs in Europe for innovations that promote rehabilitation and independent living. It is a marketplace for the latest products promoting quality of life, and with an expected 200 exhibitors and over 8000 participants. As well as exhibitions from companies throughout the world, it features 100 panels and seminars for businesses and end-users alike, as well as a live sports arena, and plenty of interactive features for everyone. Bob Griffin, MD and Founder of Tomcat said,

“As a renowned innovator and bespoke builder of mobility or special needs tricycles, we find our customers often lack grip, strength or reach in their fingers, making it difficult for them to brake and cycle safely, however, Smartbrake gives us the technology to overcome those issues with just the slightest movement of fingers or thumb. As the UK sole distributor for Smartbrake, we are pleased to advise and assist any business or private individual, in how they too can benefit from this great advance in safe cycling.”

Tomcat will be showcasing trikes for both the adult and children/teenage market at this year’s Naidex. You can visit stand C125 to either test drive an adult trike, which will have the smart brake system fitted, or discuss what options are available to you with a member from the Tomcat or Smartbrake team.


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