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SmartBrake – Faster Than Ever!

Over the past couple of years, we have had the pleasure of delivering SmartBrake to our customers across many countries. Based on valuable user feedback and internal testing, we have made important improvements to the technology and product range. We are proud to present the upgraded version of SmartBrake, available in all new orders. You will [...]

Do You Want to Be Our Next Partner?

SmartBrake – på vei mot global ekspansjon Hyggelig å møte deg på messen i 2022! Nedenfor finner du mer informasjon om den unike og patenterende SMART BRAKE-teknologien. Ikke nøl med å kontakte oss for mer informasjon – vi ser frem til å diskutere felles muligheter! Bremsing gjort enkelt Med SMART BRAKE gjør vi det mulig […]

Increase Training Effectiveness with Roller Skiing

Langrenn gir effektiv og skånsom trening for hele kroppen; hjerte, oksygenopptak og muskelmasse. Det er forebyggende for helsen din! Dette gjør det til en av de beste treningsformene du kan velge! Men snøen varer ikke evig, men du kan likevel fortsette treningen ved å velge rulleski resten av året. Studier viser at variert terreng og […]

RollerSafe in Europe's largest roller ski test testing RollerSafe "The RollerSafe RS Skate was exciting. Like its classic brother, it is equipped with a disc brake that can be operated from a pole. Our testers praised the braking system, which is very easy to use after a period of familiarisation. For this, you have to accept a little more weight of the roller skis and brake levers on the pole. With regard to test criteria [...]

SmartGroup is a member of Norway Health Tech

About Norway Health Tech Norway Health Tech's vision is to make Norway the world's best arena for health innovation. We are a non-profit membership organisation with close to 270 members in our base - representing the entire healthcare value chain. We address all areas of human health - with an eye for technology. We [...]


Time for a digital ERP system? Start your cloud journey with us!

Visma ERP
Visma Business NXT
Visma Business

Uni Economy

For accounting firms


Abacus Ratio

Abacus Ratio is a forward-thinking accounting firm that offers smart solutions.


Smart apps for the people! Travel, expenses, holidays, absences and approvals are easily done by phone.

Payroll system Payroll Payroll
Huldt & Lillevik

Travelling and expenses Expense

Holidays and absence Calendar


Our solutions ensure a smooth logistics process Talk to us first - we can do this! ERP

Warehouse management

Handheld terminal

Online shopping


Avare logistics is a complete warehouse and logistics solution that is part of Uni Micro and Soft Rig's cloud-based financial system.


Worried about IT security? We make sure you sleep well at night!


Microsoft 365
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Teams

IT services

Abacus IT Net
Abacus client operation
Abacus Backup
Abacus One
Abacus NaaS
Abacus Health Check

Servers and computer equipment

Meeting room solution

Project management

Are important elements of your projects missing? Get a grip with Project Management! Project Management

Gives you everything in one solution: Project management, resource allocation, time tracking and invoicing.Overview of the hours in your organisation.

Timer registration

eWare is an intuitive and simple time tracking system that gives you a full overview of your company's hours on an ongoing basis.

Contracting Works

Order and project management with handling of hours, materials and documentation against orders, repeat orders and projects/plants.


Make sure your customers have a great customer journey! With SuperOffice you get control
