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Cycling as an Activity and Assistance

Cycling is an activity that is becoming increasingly popular - several major media outlets like NRK and BBC report. It is no longer just a sport for adults or play for children. Cycling is becoming more common as a means of transportation and as a form of exercise for many. Using an occupational therapy term - cycling is a meaningful activity.

The Road Administration says, "Good cycling habits from childhood and adolescence will naturally continue to schools and work, to exercise and recreation, and to holiday and leisure cycling. If cycling has been a natural activity throughout life, it can also become a natural part as one gets older."

And from the Norwegian Health Informatics, it says, "You don't need to be a professional cyclist with a racing bike and fancy equipment to benefit from the health benefits of cycling."

Cycling provides opportunities to see new places, keep the body moving, and feel the air against the skin. Bicycles have benefits on an individual level, but also in a broader perspective.

We at SmartGroup see the development, not only in Norway but in Europe as a whole, - indeed perhaps all over the world; sustainability and efficiency are in focus, and in that context, the bicycle is an important part.

See our product brochure.

Our mission is to give as many people as possible the opportunity to cycle - that's why we've developed a completely unique brake that does just that. SmartBrake makes cycling possible for more people, regardless of hand strength, hand size, or disability. It no longer has anything to do with whether you are an adult or child, young or old: cycling is fun, healthy, and an easy way to get around.

I started working with SmartBrake a few months ago. I chose SmartGroup because I believe in a company that wants to make a difference! I am motivated by more people choosing SmartBrake.

Why should you choose our braking solution?

  • We have good dialogue with several companies that have the same wishes and visions as us: Hjelpemiddelspesialisten, Exero, and Beitostølen Helsesportsenter, to name a few.
  • We have a development team that sees opportunities and wants to make every customer satisfied. They put in extra work if necessary to find the best solution for you.
  • SmartBrake is modular and can be customized to your needs. SmartBrake may look like a regular bicycle brake, but the features that make it patented are far from ordinary.
  • We make a living from sales, but we will not sell a product that will not work for you.
  • We focus on good guidance.
  • SmartBrake is a braking solution that can make the cycling trip safer, and it can be mounted on both new bicycles and retrofitted on the bike you have today.

How to choose the right SmartBrake solution?

There are several ways to Rome, and I will be your guide - please feel free to contact for individual customization of your SmartBrake.

SmartBrake can be financed with grants as necessary accessories for bicycles. Of course, SmartBrake can also be purchased directly from us. Please contact us for a pleasant and individual guidance.

Best regards, Ana

Qualified occupational therapist - From SmartGroup



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